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When Lisa Frid's childhood dream of becoming a veterinarian didn't come true, 她突然不得不重新考虑她未来的计划. The only thing she was really sure about at the time was her great interest in math and drawing. Today, Lisa combines both of her passions in her role as a technical writer at Saab.





Lisa成为十大正规博彩网站排名的一部分已经快两年了. 作为一名技术作家, 她整天都在画画, 写作, and coding user manuals and technical documentation to showcase how Saab's products and systems can be used and maintained in practice.

然而,丽莎选择在十大正规博彩网站排名工作纯属巧合. 在担任目前的职务之前, 她甚至不知道这个职业的存在, and she was equally surprised by the open environment and depth of knowledge within the walls of Saab.

“即使我想换个工作, I don't have to move away from Saab because all development opportunities are available here."

"Before I started my design and product development studies at Örebro University, I didn't know that working with technical information in this setting was possible. I also had some prejudices about Saab being a bit conservative and male-dominated. But while I was 写作 my master's thesis at Saab, I had the opposite experience. 每个人都张开双臂欢迎我, and I strongly felt that I wanted to stay at the company after finishing my thesis,丽莎说。.


“直觉告诉我,也许他们是故意把我放在那里的,因为, 在十大正规博彩网站排名的采访中, 我谈了很多关于我对用户体验设计的兴趣. I appreciate that there were opportunities to voice my opinions and get help finding the right path. If I hadn't ended up next to my UX colleague or received the support to pursue my passion, 我的职业生涯可能会走上不同的方向."


作为一名技术作家, Lisa meets and collaborates with various people and experts at Saab. 因为她是个好奇的人, her work feels most fulfilling when she combines the practical parts of her job, 比如编码和写作, with learning new aspects of the products and systems from her colleagues.

" I remember one occasion when I was looking for information about one of our products and needed to find an expert in the area. 我记得当时在想, 'Is there any possibility that we could have an expert in electromagnetic fields here at Saab who could answer my questions?“嗯,当然有! It's really inspiring that we have this depth of knowledge in such specialized fields within our company."

"I think it's inspiring that people choose to stay at Saab for so long and become experts in their fields."



I appreciate that my job is so diverse and that there are many ways to develop in different directions. 我也非常感谢我的同事们, 在我的工作生活中,谁总是支持我, 还有我的私人生活


成为更大事业的一部分,为我们共同的使命做出贡献. 我们都在朝着同一个目标努力, and it feels good to be a part of that and deliver world-leading products from our small country.


我真希望我能唱歌. I would love to be able to sing at a friend's wedding or impress people at a karaoke bar!